Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unanswered prayers

I drove down a street today that I hadn't been down in years. I drove by our first apartment that Mike and I shared. It is where we lived when we first got married. Then I drove down another street and saw our dream house. 

When we realized our apartment was much too small for a growing toddler and 2 adult AND all our stuff, we started the hard chore of house shopping. I cannot even guess how many houses we looked at. We found our dream house with our dream yard in our price range two blocks from our apartment. It was love at first site. The wife wanted to sell but the husband did not. We learned quickly that the house really wasn't for sale. The husband would not fix anything or lower the price or compromise on anything. Our realtor told us to forget about the house. 

We were bummed that God did not answer our prayers about that house the way we wanted Him to. Driving by that house I thanked God for "unanswered prayers." We call them unanswered prayers but really God answered it by saying, "No. I have something better for you." 

If we had moved into that house, our daughter never would have attended the school that she did. We would not have made the friends that we did. We would not have encountered the people that we were meant to.  Looking back, I'm so glad God said no. 

This summer and fall God said no or wait to lots of my prayers. So many times I angrily questioned His wisdom. (I know how ridiculous that sounds.) I was so sure I knew best. I experienced a lot of heartbreak and frustration. I still can't say I'm thanking God just yet for saying no and/or wait. But seeing that house today gave me hope that in years to come, I'll be able to thank God for His wisdom. 

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