Thursday, August 30, 2012

Golden Rule

I am working on my fall semester lesson plans for my childcare group on Thursday nights.  I just finished focusing a lesson on "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." Matthew 7:12  Even non-Christians know this rule.  They just don't know it is from the Bible.  This is such a hard area.  Humans are naturally selfish.  We think no I'll treat others how they treat me.  Or I'll give respect when it is given to me.  Someone has to start first.  As Christian we need to set the example.  We must at all times treat others well.  This is hard.  I fail at this.  I have an attitude issue at times.  And there are just some people that I can't seem to get along with.  I pray about it.  I try different techniques.  They are just thorns in my side, temptations to sin.  I have to rise above it.  I need to treat them how I'd like to be treated without expecting anything in return.  That is so much easier said that done.