I'm writing this as a mother of a child of color. I start with that statement because that is who I am. It impacts the way I think and process all that is going on. This post is what has been on my mind.
I've struggled with what to say. I have remained silent for the most part. (my Twitter account has been very active). I was worried about upsetting people yet those same people are constantly upsetting me. Here is the thing if you find this post upsetting or offensive, do me the honor and Unfriend me. I probably unfollowed your account years ago but kept you as a Facebook friend to avoid drama. So if you Unfriend me now, you'll be doing us both a favor.
First, I have mad respect for the honorable men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and police our country. I sincerely believe the police at ISU saved my life from a crazy stalker in college. (That is a story for another day.) I worked side by side local officers when I was a volunteer rape survivor advocate. I have family and friends who are on the force. I would never be able to do their job. I know some of you will think I'm lumping all cops together. If you think that then you are missing my point. I do NOT believe ALL cops should be praised. There are bad cops out there but there are great ones, too. Let us celebrate the great ones and fire the bad ones. I do not believe ALL cops are bad or racist. Just like I know all people of color are not criminals. I'm truly heartbroken for the police force in Dallas.
That being said it is NOT the fault of the Black Lives Matter movement or even the protesters. The crime was committed by deranged people who used a peaceful protest to take out police officers. Those of you blaming the protesters are the same ones who get irate when people blame all cops for the actions of a few racist, unstable people who happen to cops.
I saw someone post this: "I know a lot African American people who are not afraid for their life. Because they don't have any reason for it. They are not out there creating riots and protest or breaking the law. I don't know ANY Police Officer who isn't afraid, on some level, to go too work everyday." (I copied and pasted it, so I'm not responsible for grammar or spelling issues.) First of all, no protester should ever be afraid for their life. Second of all, you can't speak for a whole group of people whether it is a race or the police population. Third of all, you brought up my next point. You are saying that if you aren't breaking the law, you shouldn't fear for your life. (I know double negative.)
People of color are being killed for not breaking the law. There are countless stories of people of color not breaking the law, doing exactly what the officer says and still being killed. (If you want to argue this, I'll give you examples. Just ask for examples. I'll start with Philando Castile.) After mass shootings, people say the country will be safer if more citizens carried guns. Philando was legally carrying a gun, told the cop he had a gun and the permit for the gun, he was reaching for his id and was shot. Where are all the pro gun people defending his right to carry?
I'm seeing a lot of stupid comments about what the deceased should or should not have been doing. They shouldn't have been carrying a gun (even though they had the permit and informed the cop of gun/permit). They should have listen to the cop. But if they listen to the cop, you say they should have stood up for their rights. There always seems to be some reasoning why the victim was at fault. You are probably the same people who say a woman is at fault for her rape because she drank too much.
I think a major issue in our country is white privilege. I know white privilege exists. I know that many people in my life won't admit it exists. Here is an example of white privilege: A black child playing with a toy at a park. 911 caller says there is a youth with a gun in the park, but I think it might be a toy gun. Officers arrives at the scene while telling the kid to drop the weapon shoots and kills him. The kid was not given the time to drop the weapon. #riptamir Same town two white boys playing with BB guns in park. Cops are called. Their punishment is to write an essay on the black child who died for doing what they were doing.
If you don't believe in white privilege, please, please, please read these articles.
I truly fear for the life of my daughter. I worry that she will cross paths with a trigger happy, racist who shouldn't be in an uniform. I tell her to follow the police orders step by step. I tell her not to get smart with the cop, no matter how the cop is talking to her. These are not the things I would have to tell a white child of mine. I hate that I have to have these conversations. But even if she follows their directions and is doing nothing wrong, she can still be shot. And stop saying to me thank God you have a biracial daughter and not a son. That is demeaning to black boys/men. Plus being female will not save her. Here's a link to black females who died at the hands of law enforcement.
The point of my post is just to state what has been on my mind lately. I do not know the solution. I know violence answered with violence is not the answer. I know that sticking our heads in the sand to ignore the problem is not the solution. I know love will overcome hate. I know that we need to accept each other as equals and work towards true equality. I'm just afraid that true equality will not happen in my lifetime or my daughter's lifetime. I pray daily for her safety. I pray daily for those in my life who are open racists or closeted racists to see the error of their ways. To see that we are all God's children. I pray daily for our country.
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