Saturday, May 28, 2011

148/365 lazy day

We had a lazy day.  Nothing exciting happened.  You need one of those days every once in awhile.   It recharges and refocuses you.  Dallas has one of those days every day, spoiled puppy. 


  1. now now, you should never underestimate the busyness of a dog, he has to organize his activities in just such a way that he appears not to be busy at all. "look out back door, sniff carpet in living room, investigate funny sound in hallway, find out what mommy is eating, wander into bathroom, find sunny spot to nap in, drink water, sniff under couch..." it's all very very involved. lol.

  2. You are right. Also to the list "roll around on my back itching a spot I can't reach, barking at the squirrels, rabbits, birds in the backyard, begging to go outside just to chase said animals, begging for people food, trying to sniff the cat's butt, running away from the cat, jumping into mommy's car every time she wants to leave," The list goes on and on. But I do tend to find him napping a lot. :)
