Friday, February 18, 2011

49/365 Being yourself

Today was wacky hair day at gabrielle's school.  I made a mo-hawk of her hair using little rubber bands.  I wish I would have thought to take a picture at the start of the day when it was perfect and easier to see.  At any rate, I love that first graders (for the most part) are still confident with themselves.  They don't change for people.  They are happy in their own skin.  At 6 gabrielle loves just being herself.  I pray at 16 she still does.  As a female those teenage years can be rough trying to fit it and at the same time trying to figure out who you are.  My job as her mom to help build up her confidence.  I tell her all the time how smart, beautiful, caring, funny, kind, and amazing she is. Everyday she does something that makes me proud and amazes me.  Her middle name means confidence.  That is the reason I agreed to that name.  Because I want her to have all the confidence that I lack.  One of these days I'm going to learn it's okay to be myself.  I'm going to learn it doesn't matter what others think or say.  All that matters is that I'm doing right by God, Mike, and gabrielle.  I am still working on letting go of what others think.  Maybe that will be my accomplishment in my 30s. 


  1. it is a hard thing to not care what other people think of you. it can shake your confidense. I have had to deal with this my entire life. (mostly for how i look) i know people can be cruel. It took a while but i speak up for myself, i don't let people i dont even know get away with being rude to me, they need to know that that is not ok. Also i know and the people i care about know that i am a good person, and that is all that matters. if someone doesnt like something i say or do or the way i look or am, then thats their problem that they need to deal with. I realized that i would never be happy with myself if i was wasting my time trying to please others. :-)

