Wednesday, September 28, 2011

271 giving back

I strongly believe in helping others and giving back.  It's something my mother instill in me growing up.  You help others.  Even when we were dirt poor she had us giving our time.  I am working at doing the same for my daughter.  She loves to help with toy drives and food drives.  She is always willing to give her old stuff to those less fortune.  She gave almost all her Halloween candy to soldiers.  She has a giving heart.  I am very proud of her.  I found this book about helping others and I bought a few for Christmas gifts to loved ones.  I think it's important that children know from an early age the importance of giving back.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

270 Game of Life

Gabrielle talked me into buying the Game of Life at a yard sale.  I am glad I did.  We had a blast tonight.  Gabrielle got the giggles which sounds just like my giggle fits.  She thought it was funny when Mike or I took money for each other.  She also found it hilarious when I ended up with 5 daughters too many to fit in the car.  She was ready to play again but it was bedtime.  I love nights like this. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

268 getting along

Dallas and Addy are getting closer and closer to being friends.  Yea!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

267 day of play

We had a blast today.  Gabrielle and I went yard saling.  Then we hit uptown Normal for the National Day of Play.  She had a blast at every booth.  The foundation is still her favorite party of uptown Normal.  I love the idea beyond National Day of Play but I hate that it is needed.  I hate that parents have to be encouraged to turn off the TV and play with their kids. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

266 waiting

We were waiting for Gabrielle to get out of school.  Dallas has been my BFF.  He will not leave my side.  He is jealous of everyone lately.  I think it's because I am home all day.   It's cute. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

265 A Daughter Needs a Mom...

I believe one of the hardest parts of being a parent is knowing when to let go and when to hold on tight.  It makes it harder when you only have one child.  I truly believe this.  Here's why.  You have more time to devote to the child and do things for the child.  So you baby them when you don't mean to.  This is something I struggle with.  Even with my horrible back/shoulder pain, my first instinct when she is hurt is to pick her up. (I know she is too big for this.  My hubby gets upset because he knows I'll be in pain later.)  This last year I have been trying to give her more independence and let her do more things on her own.  It's so hard to feel like you are needed less and less each year.   I was a wreck when she weaned because she no longer needed me in that way.  I think it is also hard because she is the first and only.  So every milestone is the first and last one I will experience as a parent. I have been struggling with thinking my daughter doesn't need me as much as when she was little.  Mike reassures me this isn't true.  Mike is constantly reminding me that she prefers me over everyone else.  Last year for Christmas, Gabrielle (with Mike's help) got me a book called Why a Daughter Needs a Mom.  I can't read it without crying.  Actually I am pretty sure I still haven't read all of it.  When I have a bad day or she is in an attitude, I pull the book out and read a page.  Here are some examples:
-"A daughter needs a mom to share in her excitement when she falls in love for the first time."
-"A daughter needs a mom to love her for who she is."
-"A daughter needs a mom to teach her not to wait until tomorrow to say, 'I'm sorry.'"
-"A daughter needs a mom to provide her with memories that will last forever."
-"A daughter needs a mom to carry her when she is tired."
-"A daughter needs a mom because there are some things a dad can't handle." LOL but true
-"A daughter needs a mom to show her how to give back to others."
-"A daughter needs a mom to show her how to love someone with all her heart."
This book reminds me that no matter how old she gets, she will always need her mommy.  Just like I still need my mom.  My mom is the second person I call when something is wrong or is great.  (First of course is my hubby.)  I still need my mom for comfort and hugs and encouragement.  I know in my heart that Gabrielle will always need me.  It's just hard to let go.  It's hard to give her independence.  She says she will live with us forever.  Mike tells me not to hold my breath.  My job is to prepare her for the world.  I'm working hard at that.  I'm teaching her about God and faith, racism, forgiveness, patience, anger and managing it, giving back to others, having fun, doing the right thing, honesty, strength, crying is not always a bad thing, etc.  Every day I am teaching her about love and marriage through modeling my marriage.  Even though she says she doesn't want to marry, I believe that will change.  And my prayer is that she will find her Mike and be loved like she deserves.  It's my job to teach her the difference between "a man who flatters her and a man who compliments her, a man who spends money on her and a man who invests in her, a man who views her as property and a man who views her properly, a man who lusts after her and a man who loves her, a man who believes he is God's gift to women and a man who remembers a woman was God's gift to man. "  

My daughter will always need me just as I will always need my mom.  The list goes on and on about what I need to teach her.  I look forward to it all and treasure it.  The greatest joy in my life is being a mommy and wife.  I cherish every moment with my child even when she is not being the best. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

262 and 263 5 years

Today five years ago, I said yes to a first date.  I was beyond nervous.  We went to Chilli's.  We talked for hours.  It was the best first date I ever had, but on that date I never thought a year later we would be married.  I love the plan God had and has for my life.  That date changed my life.  Thanks for the last five years Mike.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

260 and 261 great and horrible

We went to our first Bed and Breakfast to celebrate 4 years of marriage and 5 years of being together.  This place was beyond amazing.  It was a wonderful weekend.  Then we come home and Mike's side mirrors were bashed in.  Talk about getting down from high from our weekend away.

Friday, September 16, 2011

259 my true love

Our beautiful rings in my beautiful anniversary flowers make a beautiful picture.  I am beyond blessed to be married to best friend and my soul mate.  I thought I'd never find my perfect match.  God had better plans.  I'm glad for the broken road that brought me to Mike.  I am not saying everyday is a rose garden.  We have our fights.  Doesn't every married couple?  The great thing about our fights is we work out the issue.  I had never been with someone willing to work on issues and make the relationship stronger.  We have had some rough times but that only brought us closer and made us stronger.  I can not believe it's been almost 5 years since our first date and over 4 years since our wedding.  I feel so lucky to have him as my partner for life.  He is beyond amazing and humble.  Even right now when he is annoying me with slurping up the last of his shake, I still know that he is incredible and wonderful.  He is so much more than I ever had imagined for myself.  I love him so much.  And I look forward to the rest of our lives together. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

258 4 YEARS

Four years ago today I married my soul mate and best friend.  These are my beautiful flowers from my amazing hubby. I thought I would reshare our personal vows.

Mike: georgette, it's amazing how fast something like love can overtake a person. Almost a year ago we were nothing more than people who knew each other through a mutual friend. And now, here we stand together to be married. And over the course of that year, my love for you has grown into something that I have never ever felt before. It has consumed me, much like you consume my thoughts every single day. And that love continues to grow even today. every day I can look at you and feel even stronger that you are the one for me, you are the one that God meant for me to be with and to take care of. I love you more today than I did yesterday and I will love you more tomorrow than I today.

You and gabrielle are every thing to me. I will do everything in my power to provide for, care for, and protect both of you. there is nothing that I won't do do to make sure both of you live the lives that you both deserve. I love you more than any thing.

I love you for you beautiful red hair. I love you for your sparkling blue eyes. I love you for your warm, inviting smile. I love for you the large heart you have for others. I love you for the amazing freind that you are to me and others. I love you because you are an amazing mother. I love you because you like to cuddle. I love you because you make me feel good about myself. I love you because you keep me grounded. I love you because you make every one around you happy. And I love you because you are you.

So it is because of these reasons that I am marrying you today.

I can't promise you everything will be perfect and full of rainbows and butterflies. I can't promise you that our beloved Cubbies will ever win the World Series. I can't eve promise that we will never fight or I will never push again. And I know I can't promise that gabrielle will always listen or ever be potty trained. But what I CAN promise you is that I will never stop loving you. I can promise to never give up or leave. I can promise to to always support your dreams and goals. I can promise to always help motivate you in a positive direction. I can promise that no matter what life throws at us, the three of us will get through it together because of our love for each other and our faith in God.

I love so much about you. I love that you never are able to beat me in thumb war. I love that you some day soon will forget about the Bears and become a fan of America's team, the Cowboys. I love that you will not let me push you away. I love that you always look at me with such love and admiration. I love that you pray with me nightly. I love that you can do the impossible and make me believe in myself. I love that you support all my hopes and dreams. I love that you love and treat gabrielle as if she were your own child. I want you to know that I love you simply because you are you. Because of these reasons I am marrying you today.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

257 love wreath

This wreath was homemade by a bridesmaid of mine.  She took the aisle runners from my fall theme wedding to make this wreath.  Every September I hang it up.  I call it our love/wedding wreath.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

253 Go Blue

We went to visit Mike during his triple header today.  Gabrielle tried on his umpire mask.  I love it when she is being cheesy:)  I love that Mike gives so much and he doesn't even realize it.  He enjoys umpiring and reffing. But at the same time, it's really working a second job to keep us comfortable.  He is amazing.  I am blessed.  I love my family. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

252 Six Months

I came across a random set of pictures yesterday. They were from Christmas 2008. Gabrielle was 4. Mike and I had only been married for a little over a year. And Pumpkin was just over a year. Bitter sweet pictures of Pumpkin playing with the wrapping paper like this photo. It hit hard today. It's been 6 months. Our lives have moved forward but we miss him. Gabrielle still randomly will cry over him. To be honest I do too. I'm glad we brought him home to let him rest in peace under my lilac bush. It was emotional to find the pictures but it was also cleansing to do so. I had a good cry, happy tears for the memories and sad ones for him not being here. There will never be another cat like him. 

RIP Pumpkin Trouble Quinn 10-12-07 to 03-09-11

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I received a package of Cowboys' stuff today.  Hooray for NFL!  Go Cowboys!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

249 walk home

The weather was incredible.  So Dallas and I decided to walk to pick Gabrielle up from school.  We took the scenic way home.  Here's a cute picture of the walk home.

Friday, September 2, 2011